How do you keep your hallway tidy?

We've all
seen it: shoes lying around in the hallway, bags on the floor, far too many
coats on the coat rack... As soon as you walk in the door, your house looks
messy and restless.
This is not
what you want when you come home after a long, busy day at work. Not to mention
the guests who come over for a cosy dinner.
entrance to your home determines the (first) impression of your home. It has to
be good. That's why we'll give you a few tips in this article on how to keep
every hallway neat and tidy.
Let's start with the coat rack. Which coat rack should you choose? That depends entirely on the size of your hallway, your family size and your interior style. You can read more about how to choose the perfect coat rack in this article.
Do you have
a small(er) hallway? Then you can optically enlarge the space by using a
mirror! Go for a no-nonsense mirror like the Senza, a trendy mirror like our
round Donna mirror, or go for a minimalist look with the School or the Clint
Shoes lying
around are often an eyesore. At Spinder Design we understand this problem and therefore
we came up with a functional solution that is also very stylish: the Billy shoe
cabinets. This shallow shoe cabinet provides a smart way to store all your
To avoid an
overflowing coat rack, our tip is to only hang the coats and accessories you'll
be using every day in a particular season. For example, in the summer, you can
store your winter in a cupboard or in a box under the bed. In winter, you can
change them again. Do you have little space? Then our stylish Bug coat rack
might be the solution. It can easily be hung in any room in your house, offers
space for 7 items of clothing and can carry a weight of up to 25 kg!
this gives you enough tips to get started with the tidying or redecorating of
your hallway.